Spanish Government Considers Cuts to Short-Haul Domestic Flights


The Spanish government is contemplating reducing domestic flights with a duration of less than 2.5 hours on routes where high-speed rail alternatives are available, as part of an agreement between the ruling socialists and the leftwing Sumar alliance. The proposed cuts aim to prioritize environmental sustainability and promote the use of high-speed trains for shorter journeys.

This measure, part of a broader environmental plan, could impact popular routes such as Madrid Barajas to Barcelona El Prat, Madrid to Alicante, Madrid to Malaga, Madrid to Sevilla, and Madrid to Valencia Manises. While these routes accounted for nearly 3.5 million passengers in both directions in the previous year, they represent less than 1% of the total 240 million passengers using Spanish airports in 2022.

The PSOE-Sumar agreement outlines a commitment to reduce domestic flights with rail alternatives, except for connections with hub airports linking to international routes. The Spanish transport ministry plans to conduct a technical study to assess the impact on connectivity, the environment, and other factors to determine the affected routes.

High-speed trains currently do not connect Spanish airports, with the first link expected to reach Madrid airport in 2026. However, airlines argue that a more extensive rail network is needed to replace short-haul flights effectively.

Javier Gandara, president of Spain’s airline association (Asociación de Líneas Aéreas – ALA), expressed concerns about the potential impact on connectivity and competitiveness. He emphasized that reducing short-haul flights might lead connecting passengers to choose other European hubs, resulting in increased pollution and reduced competitiveness in long-haul flights.

Amid these potential cuts, Air Nostrum has strategically partnered with Hybrid Air Vehicles and reserved 20 Airlander 10 airships to prepare for potential changes in the short-haul flight landscape. The airline aims to enhance its environmental footprint through this alliance.

Stay tuned for updates on the government’s plans and the aviation industry’s response as Spain considers measures to prioritize sustainable transportation alternatives.
