StandardAero upgrade cockpit for Bombardier Challenger 604


StandardAero has delivered its first Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion modification/upgrade on a Bombardier Challenger 604.

StandardAero has delivered its first Collins Aerospace Pro Line Fusion modification/upgrade on a Bombardier Challenger 604. The first installation aircraft departed StandardAero’s Springfield, Illinois maintenance facility on 24 September 2021.

The installation was supported by a Collins Aerospace Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) and the Pro Line Fusion upgrade removes the existing cathode ray tube displays and replaces them with touchscreen capable liquid crystal displays. The modification allows for features such as LPV, synthetic vision, multi-scan radar, graphical weather and FANS-1/A, giving operators more functionality and situational awareness in the cockpit. The modification also addresses obsolescence issues inherent to the existing CRT displays.

The total work scope on this Challenger 604 aircraft also included the installation of a Collins Aerospace Venue Cabin Management System and a complete cabin interior refresh.

“The Fusion upgrade helps to keep this aircraft on the leading edge, well into the future, with enhanced capabilities and staying pace with the functionality of current production aircraft coming off the assembly line,” said Mike Creek, Avionics Sales Manager for StandardAero Business Aviation. “Operators are showing a lot of interest in these upgrades and we expect continued demand throughout this year and next.”
