STR: August U.S. Hotel Occupancy Dips, Rates Moderate


Average U.S. hotel industry occupancy in August 2022 dropped from the previous month, while average daily rate and revenue per available room displayed noteworthy year-over-year growth, according to hospitality analytics firm STR.

Following seasonal patterns, August U.S. occupancy declined 6.7 percent from August 2019 to 66.5 percent. It also dropped from the 69.6 level recorded in July 2022.

August ADR increased 14 percent from August 2019 to $151.49, slightly higher than the record-breaking month prior. August RevPAR was $100.67, up 6.3 percent from August 2019.

Oahu reigned supreme with the highest occupancy level of STR’s top 25 markets at 81.6 percent, though down 8.3 percent from 2019.

The lowest August occupancy among the top 25 was in New Orleans at 47.3 percent, and the city had the steepest occupancy drop (21.9 percent) when compared with 2019.

STR indicated its top 25 markets generally showed higher occupancy and ADR than other markets, for which it cited “continued improvement in business travel and groups.”

Angelique Platas
