Stratos completes 737-800 delivery for Transavia France


Stratos has announced the delivery of a Boeing 737-800 to Transavia France under a long term operating lease. The delivery is part of Transavia France’s fleet expansion, with its total fleet expected to reach 71 aircraft.

The aircraft will be part of a portfolio managed on behalf of a UK-based fund manager. After its redelivery from TUI (UK), the aircraft will undergo post-delivery and cabin modifications as well as customisations specific to Transavia.

“We are delighted to have partnered with Transavia and to have delivered this aircraft to them,” said Camille Pousseur, Marketig Director, Stratos. “Our teams have worked very hard to achieve this outcome and we look forward to a long and successful relationship.”

Stratos also recently completed a delivery of two 737-800 aircraft purchased from Japan Airlines, which were transitioned to a leading European airline conglomerate. The aircraft investment and asset manager also delivered the first of two IAE-powered A320 aircraft to a European carrier, on behalf of a Middle Eastern Investor.

The last year has seen Stratos remarket 20 aircraft to 11 airlines and investors, as well as source a further eight aircraft.

Speaking about the acquisition of the new aircraft, Yves Le Berre, Fleet Director, Transavia France, said: “We are very pleased to welcome this new aircraft which strengthens our fleet and complements our growth trajectory.”
