Support is building for next Federal Aviation Administration chief


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Support within the aviation industry continues to build for Phil Washington, President Joe Biden’s nominee for the next head of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

The government agency currently only has an acting administrator, Billy Nolan.

Washington, 65, is the CEO of Denver International Airport and well-respected in the aviation community. The FAA has been under criticism lately for a series of near-misses, both on the runway and in the air, as well as for physical altercations on flights.

The criticism is that the head of the agency doesn’t have true control over the industry.

To that end, a group of people ranging from fellow CEOs to pilots to flight attendants to maintenance workers and others, have sent a letter to Congress endorsing Washington as the next FAA Administrator.

“No one better understands the needs and challenges of the federal aviation system than the leaders of our nation’s airports. We fully endorse Phil’s nomination to serve in this important role and encourage the Senate to swiftly confirm him,” Airports Council International-North America President and CEO Kevin Burke said.

Three past FAA Administrators also signed the letter and collectively wrote, “We also know what it takes to effectively run the FAA. Mr. Washington, as the leader of the world’s third-busiest airport, has the necessary aviation safety experience to be Administrator.”

Several family members of the crashed Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 also endorsed Washington and signed the letter. Washington was the head of Joe Biden’s transportation team transition.
