Swiss Air Flight Attendants Criticized for Dangerous Stunt on Boeing 777 Wing


Swiss International Airline cabin crew members are facing backlash after a stunt they pulled in Buenos Aires, where they publicly posed for pictures and selfies on top of the wing of one of the airline’s parked Boeing 777 aircraft. Here’s a breakdown of the incident:

While the aircraft was awaiting its return leg to Brazil and onward to Zurich International Airport, passengers captured videos of three crew members opening the over-wing exit on the right side of the aircraft and stepping out onto the wing. The videos show a female flight attendant dancing on the wing, joined by a male colleague, and a senior cabin chief who performs bodybuilding poses.

Swiss Airline management labeled the incident as “unprofessional” and “extremely dangerous,” emphasizing that climbing onto the wing is only permitted in the case of an emergency evacuation. A fall from the wing, which is about 16.4 feet high, can be life-threatening.

The stunt received mixed reactions from the public. While some people saw it as young individuals enjoying themselves without endangering anyone, others criticized it as unprofessional and potentially damaging to the airline’s reputation.

Martin Knuchel, Head of Cabin Crew and Vice President of Swiss International Air Lines, released a video condemning the crew’s behavior. He expressed disappointment and anger and emphasized the importance of passenger trust. The incident will be handled internally as a disciplinary matter.

Swiss Airline may take disciplinary action against the crew members involved, but the specific consequences are not mentioned in the reports.

The incident highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and adhering to safety protocols in the aviation industry. While some may view such stunts as harmless fun, they can have serious consequences and impact an airline’s reputation.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
