Taiwan’s EVA Air integrates Media Carrier’s digital media library


Media Carrier is pleased to announce a new airline customer from Asia: After Singapore Airlines, the Taiwan-based airline and Star Alliance member EVA Air has adopted the company’s first-class, digital infotainment offer as well as its customer-specific add-on IT solutions.

The Munich-based digital media expert provides a customised collection of around 520 digital, predominantly Asian premium titles from its digital media library Media Box, which comprises a total of 1,600 titles. Depending on their status, EVA Air passengers can download a corresponding number of media titles free of charge from the airline’s digital library and enjoy their in-flight reading before, during and after the flight with PDFs in the customary newspaper and magazine layout. The number of downloads can be extended indefinitely by making additional purchases. On top, all EVA Air passengers can download other renowned daily newspapers free of charge.

“When it comes to digital service offerings, the Asian airline market is highly competitive, with corresponding high technological standards and demand for complex, innovative infotainment solutions,” says Philipp J. Jacke, Managing Director of Media Carrier. “We are all the more pleased that, thanks to our exclusive contacts with publishers and media houses, we have now been able to convince another renowned airline customer in Asia of our services, providing EVA Air with an extensive range of Asian premium titles.”

According to a study by the German Association for Quality (DGQ, 2020), Germans see a company’s digital service offerings as a quality criterion, be it customer portals, online banking or infotainment offers such as Media Carrier’s digital Media Box library. Today, digital services are a must for innovative companies and a key aspect for customers when choosing a provider. This also applies to companies in the travel industry, which Media Carrier primarily addresses with its Media Box. If they want to keep up with the times, they need to work with digital service offers, not least because customers increasingly expect this. For two thirds (66%) of Germans, digital service offers are a sign that a company is innovative overall. For 56%, they are even a must for companies today and a key criterion when choosing a provider.*

The Asian market is also in the sights of Media Carrier’s future expansion plans, marketing not only their functional and comprehensive Media Box product but also its add-on IT solutions such as customised front- and back-end offers. “We completely adapt to our customers‘ requirements and develop customised IT solutions that provide them with an extension of their digital services, but also save resources, time and costs,” Philipp J. Jacke stresses.
