Telesat to provide infrastructure for Anuvu Constellation


Anuvu has announced a deal to lease new antennas and ground-station infrastructure from Telesat, one of the world’s largest satellite operators, to support the development of its Anuvu Constellation. This agreement strengthens Anuvu and Telesat’s long-standing relationship for geostationary orbit satellite capacity.

The assets under lease will support tracking, telemetry and control (TT&C) for Anuvu’s first two MicroGEO satellites, which are being built by Astranis Space Technologies. Anuvu and Astranis say they are on track to launch the first two satellites for the Constellation in mid-2023, with entry into commercial service due by year-end.

The Telesat-managed antennas and ground-station infrastructure will enable Anuvu’s satellite operations to be run from Telesat’s flagship teleport in Allan Park, Ontario, with fully redundant operations at its teleport in Calgary, Alberta.

Telesat will equip each site with new 9m Ku-band and 9.2m Ka-band antennas as a gateway for inflight connectivity and maritime services, connecting to Anuvu’s co-located ‘Dedicated Space’ hub infrastructure in a 24/7 managed carrier-class environment, with redundant fibre connectivity to internet Points of Presence.

Anuvu’s new tracking antennas in Allan Park will be located adjacent to the Telesat Lightspeed low-earth orbit landing station, providing additional synergies as Anuvu implements its multi-orbit, multi-frequency service strategy.

“The newly built, state-of-the-art antennas at diverse locations within Canada allow us to maximise the capacity available to our US and Caribbean customers, reducing latency with shorter paths to the Internet and offering increased network resiliency,” said Tim Southard, Anuvu’s VP of networks. “Our new software-defined radio architecture provides unmatched flexibility in allocating satellite capacity and power to meet the rapidly evolving demands of our mobility customers.”
