Texas Ranked Worst State to Live in the U.S.


CNBC recently released its rankings of the best and worst states to live in the United States, shedding light on how life in various states compares to the rest of America. The rankings, based on the network’s yearly research on the best states for business in 2023, include a comprehensive evaluation of factors affecting the quality of life, health, and inclusion in each state.

Measuring 350 possible points for each state, CNBC assesses categories such as per capita crime rates, environmental quality, health care, worker protections, anti-discrimination laws, voting rights, and access to childcare. Particularly noteworthy, surveys indicate that reproductive rights play a significant role in women’s decisions on where to live and work, leading CNBC to consider abortion laws in this category.

Texas, unfortunately, secured the top spot on the list of the top 10 worst places to live and work in America for 2023. Despite ranking sixth overall in CNBC’s yearly America’s Top States for Business study, the state scored significantly low in the Life, Health & Inclusion category.

Factors such as crime rates, environmental quality, healthcare, childcare availability, and inclusiveness in state laws were assessed, with Texas receiving a mere 53 out of 350 points for its 2023 Life, Health & Inclusion score. Consequently, it earned the lowest nationwide grade, an F, landing it in the number one spot on the list of worst states to live.

Nevertheless, CNBC did acknowledge the economic opportunities available in Texas, as the state received sixth place in the overall Top States for Business study, with North Carolina taking the top spot.

Joining Texas on the list of the top 10 worst states to live and work for 2023 are Oklahoma, Louisiana, South Carolina and Alabama (tie), Missouri, Indiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Florida.

On a brighter note, Vermont emerged as the best state to live in the US, earning acclaim for its stress-free and healthy environment. Known for the picturesque Green Mountains, Vermont offers the best air quality in the nation, and it boasts accessible childcare, extensive anti-discrimination protections, and easy access to voting. CNBC awarded Vermont an A+ in Life, Health, and Inclusion. The state’s primary weakness lies in worker protections, which are less stringent compared to some other states.

The top 10 best states to live and work include Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, Minnesota, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts, and Colorado (tie), and Connecticut.

CNBC’s research evaluates 86 metrics across 10 broad categories of business competitiveness when assigning rankings, assessing aspects such as the workforce, infrastructure, cost of doing business, state laws, and education, among others.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, msn.com, cnbc.com
