Thailand is the perfect place for the Digital Nomad


Patong beach sunset

Thinking of becoming a digital nomad? It’s not as easy as it sounds writes Courtney Lambert for the Huffington Post, but some destinations are friendlier than others when it comes to working on the road.

“Thailand tops the charts as a favorite destination for digital nomads, and it’s a no-brainer as to why,” writes Lambert. “Not only is it a country of incredible beauty with a fascinating culture and friendly people, but Thailand offers digital nomads affordable living and plentiful work resources that can help beginners find roots in a foreign country while making the transition to working independently.”

Top factors that make Thailand great: climate, affordability, Internet speeds and city sizes. Essentially, in Thailand, you can find all of the comforts of home.

Visa requirements are fairly lax in the country, making it easier to stay for both the long and short term and there are a number of different types — from the educational to the instructional. But while Thailand may be an easy place to settle in, don’t overstay your welcome.
