The European Commission has Updated the EU Air Safety List


The European Commission has updated the EU Air Safety List, which comprises airlines subject to operating bans or restrictions within the European Union due to not meeting international safety standards. Ensuring the highest level of air safety is a priority for the Commission’s aviation safety policy.

In this latest update, Fly Baghdad has been added to the list due to safety concerns identified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Fly Baghdad was not granted a Third Country Operator (TCO) authorization as a result of these safety concerns.

Fly Baghdad operates, as of Nov. 2023: 7 Boeing 737-700/800/900ER, and 2 Bombardier CRJ aircraft.

The update also maintains the ban on airlines certified in Nepal, citing ongoing safety concerns identified during an assessment visit in September. However, the proactive efforts of the Nepal Civil Aviation Authority to enhance safety oversight capacity were acknowledged during the EU Air Safety Committee meeting.

As of this update, a total of 129 airlines are banned from operating in EU skies:

  • 101 airlines certified in 15 states due to inadequate safety oversight by the respective aviation authorities.
  • 22 airlines certified in Russia and 6 individual airlines from other states due to serious safety deficiencies.
  • Two additional airlines, Iran Air and Air Koryo, are subject to operational restrictions and can only operate specific aircraft types when flying to the EU.

This update is based on the unanimous opinion of Member State aviation safety experts, who met in November 2023 under the EU Air Safety Committee. Decisions are made in accordance with international safety standards, including those set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
