The Frequent Flyer Who Purchased a United Lifetime Pass for $290,000 and Has Accumulated 23 Million Miles


Meet the man who purchased a lifetime pass from United Airlines and has flown an astonishing 23 million miles since then. Tom Stuker, a car-dealership consultant from New Jersey, holds the title of the world’s most frequent flyer, thanks to his enduring partnership with United Airlines spanning over three decades.

Stuker’s remarkable journey began in 1990 when he invested $290,000 in a lifetime pass offered by United Airlines to reward and retain loyal customers. This pass granted him and a companion unlimited first-class travel to any destination across the globe.

Describing it as the “best investment of my life,” Stuker has used this pass to explore more than 100 countries, embark on over 120 honeymoon trips with his wife, and accumulate countless miles for a range of perks and rewards.

His mileage has enabled him to secure unique experiences, such as bidding for a guest appearance on the popular TV show Seinfeld, renovating his brother’s house with gift cards, and even donating flights to charitable causes. Stuker’s passion for travel has led him to spend consecutive days in the air, seamlessly hopping from one destination to another.

Stuker’s frequent travels have not gone unnoticed. He has gained celebrity status among United Airlines staff and fellow passengers, often recognized by his voice or his favored seat number, 1B. As an unofficial advisor to the airline, Stuker provides valuable feedback on menus, lounges, and services.

United Airlines has treated Stuker like royalty, providing him with a dedicated Mercedes car to shuttle between terminals, extending invitations to special events and celebrations, and even honoring him by naming a Boeing 747 after him.

Stuker’s love for flying and exploring the world shows no signs of waning, and he plans to continue his adventures for as long as he can. Despite the fact that United Airlines no longer offers lifetime passes, Stuker has no regrets about his decision, reveling in the life of luxury he has enjoyed through his United miles.

“I’ve lived like a sultan on United miles ever since,” he joyfully expressed.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
