The Netherlands Reopens To US Travelers With No Restrictions


The Netherlands today completely reopened to U.S. travelers, who may now enter without any restrictions—no proof of vaccination, previous recovery or negative COVID-19 test needed.

Thanks to rising vaccination rates and steadily falling infection rates, the United States has been deemed a safe country or one that is low-risk for COVID-19 transmission, in terms of the Netherlands’ travel restrictions.

In this decision, the Dutch government is aligning with the European Council’s recommendations, released on June 18, which advised all European Union members to begin opening their borders to non-essential visitors from the U.S. after judging it to be an epidemiologically “safe” third country.

“Most restrictions are therefore no longer necessary,” the Dutch government said the same day, noting the drastic downturn in America’s, “number of new infections and the number of people being admitted to hospital with COVID-19.”

“If you live in a safe country, you may travel to the Netherlands. The E.U. travel ban does not apply to you. It does not matter what your nationality or the purpose of your trip is. Countries that are not on the list of safe countries are considered high-risk areas,” the Dutch government was said to have announced, according to Schengenvisainfo News.

In addition to the United States, the Netherlands also lifted all entry restrictions for travelers coming from Albania, Lebanon, North Macedonia, Serbia and Taiwan, as of June 24.

Foreign visitors from these designated “safe” third countries who arrive in the Netherlands by air will simply need to submit a completed health declaration form, which some airlines will allow passengers to fill out digitally upon checking in for their flight.

The Points Guy reported that today’s policy changes have arrived just ahead of the Netherlands’ stage-four reopening phase, planned for June 26. On that date, the country is scheduled to lift remaining curfews related to public drinking and alcohol purchases, and all establishments, including cinemas, venues for concerts and sporting events, and public hospitality venues will reopen.

Face masks will no longer be mandated in most situations, aside from while using public transportation, including at airports, train and bus stations. The one public health measure that appears to be remaining in force is the 1.5-meter physical distancing requirement, which will reportedly last through mid-August.
