Travel from Midwest to Tampa Bay up more than 100 percent


As Americans have begun traveling again, the number of visitors to Tampa Bay from the U.S. Midwest has been skyrocketing. In the first quarter of 2021, Tampa Bay’s beaches in St. Pete/Clearwater saw an increase of more than 100 percent in the number of visitors from certain Midwestern cities compared to the same period in 2019, according to Visit St. Pete/Clearwater’s data partner Arrivalist. The data includes both fly and drive visitors.

Examples of Midwestern fly/drive visitor growth to Tampa Bay beaches

City Percent Growth 1Q21 v 1Q19 Existing Tampa Bay Service
Des Moines 184% G4 (PIE)
Flint/Saginaw 174% G4 (PIE)
Appleton/Green Bay 160% G4 (PIE)
Kansas City 119% NK, WN (TPA)

G4 (PIE)

Minneapolis/St. Paul 117% DL, F9, WN, NK, SY (TPA)


Cedar Rapids 108% G4 (PIE)
Lansing 102% UNSERVED
Milwaukee 101% F9, WN, NK (TPA)
Indianapolis 93% WN, NK (TPA)


Chicago 86% MDW: WN (TPA)


Cincinnati 85% DL, F9, WN (TPA)

G4 (PIE)

Detroit 78% DL, WN, NK (TPA)
St. Louis 73% WN, NK (TPA)
Madison 61% UNSERVED

Recognizing the demand, Spirit, Breeze, Southwest and Frontier all recently launched or announced nonstop flights on routes they were not previously serving from various markets in the Midwest to TPA.

Spirit St. Louis (STL)

Milwaukee (MKE)

Kansas City (MCI)

Louisville (SDF)

Breeze Akron/Canton (CAK)

Columbus (CMH)

Oklahoma City (OKC)

Tulsa (TUL)

Louisville (SDF)

Southwest Chicago (ORD)

Omaha (OMA)

Oklahoma City (OKC)

Frontier Cleveland (CLE)

Cincinnati (CVG)

And many airlines not only have restored pre-pandemic service levels to Midwestern markets, but also have now grown beyond 2019 frequencies on many existing Midwestern routes to TPA. Between March and November of 2021, TPA expects to see 2,200 more departures to the Midwest than the same period in 2019 – an average of 244 additional departures per month.
