Travelport Adds Features, Launches AA NDC Content in N. America


Travelport has updated its Travelport Plus platform to include new self-service and automation features, and it also has gone live with New Distribution Capability content from American Airlines in North America, the company announced.

The latest update to the platform, which is replacing Apollo, Galileo and Worldspan as Travelport’s eventual sole global distribution system, includes a Productivity Automator tool that cuts down on agents’ manual back-end tasks and calls to suppliers, according to Travelport. It also includes an updated developer portal for agencies and developers that features virtual agent support and an online community.

The availability of American’s NDC content in North America in Travelport Plus comes a little more than a year after Travelport’s new agreement with the carrier that included distribution of American’s “Corporate Experience” bundle. American is one of 19 airlines that has signed NDC deals with Travelport, and the company expects three airlines in addition to American will go live with NDC content in North America this quarter.

Michael B. Baker
