Travelport Reaches New NDC Distribution Deals with IAG, Air France-KLM


Global distribution system operator Travelport has reached new agreements with International Airlines Group and Air France-KLM to channel New Distribution Capability content through its Travelport Plus platform, the company announced.

The agreements mean Air France-KLM and IAG’s airlines—Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia and Vueling—will be able to offer travel retailers a wider range of content, according to the companies. Agents that sign an access agreement with the airlines will be able to access the NDC content and services via Travelport’s point-of-sale Smartpoint product or through API connections.

The types of content that will entail will vary per agreement as “we work with each airline individually to determine the best content to maximize agent choice,” Travelport VP of global enterprise air partners Chris Ramm said in an email.

For IAG, new content options will include additional price points and an expanded selection of ancillary products, according to Travelport. Air France-KLM customers will see “more attractive and customized offers, such as continuous pricing and tailor-made bundles,” Air France-KLM chief revenue officer Pieter Bootsma said in a statement.

Travelport is working with both companies to be able to roll out their NDC content starting in 2022, with features and functionality to be added progressively, according to the company.

Donna M. Airoldi
