TSA Agents Accused of Stealing Cash From Passengers at Miami Airport


Image: Waiting to check in at with TSA security at the airport (photo by Eric Bowman)

This won’t help anybody’s reputation. And it will likely make you more anxious about relinquishing your luggage, however briefly, at the airport.

Three agents with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) have been accused of stealing from passengers at security checkpoints at Miami International Airport.

The trio was arrested after being observed on surveillance video taking $600 from one passenger. They were charged with organized schemes to defraud.

A police detective found that all three, ages 33, 22 and 20, worked together. While they would distract a passenger, one of the suspects would rifle through their luggage and make the theft.

The $600 was the biggest incident. Footage showed that several times the agents would conspire together to rob a passenger. The TSA did release a statement about the incident.

“The Transportation Security Administration holds its Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) to the highest professional and ethical standards and has no tolerance for misconduct in the workplace,” the statement read.

“We actively and aggressively investigated these allegations of misconduct and presented our findings to MDPD, and are working closely with them. Any employee who fails to meet our fundamental ethical standards is held accountable.”
