Twitter Weighs in on Reclining Airplane Seat Debate


The internet is polarized over a viral video involving an American Airlines passenger who claims she was assaulted while reclining her seat on a recent flight.

The video shows a male passenger seated behind her repeatedly bumping the back of her reclined seat. While many have condemned the man’s inappropriate behavior, some have criticized the woman for not only escalating the situation by pulling out her phone but for reclining her seat in the first place.

Like the rest of the world, Twitter is torn on this raging air travel debate.

Unsurprisingly, plenty of people made the case for reclining your seat, typically asserting that since you paid for it you have the right to use it how you choose or pointing out that most airplane seats only recline a short distance anyway.

Travel writer and TV personality Lee Abbamonte and many others were of that mindset.

Some even threatened retaliation for hitting their seatback and suggested better ways to resolve the problem.

Meanwhile, others outlined their own versions of proper reclining etiquette, noting when it’s acceptable to adjust your seat on a flight if at all.

Lots, including columnist and Director of Sports Journalism at Northwestern University, J.A. Adande shifted the blame to the airline industry for seemingly packing passengers in like sardines.

Where do you stand?

Are you team recline or team no-recline?
