United Airlines CIO Drives Customer Experience at Scale Through Technology


Jason Birnbaum, the CIO of United Airlines, is dedicated to leveraging technology and data to enhance the customer experience and optimize the airline’s operations. As the leader of the Digital Technology group, Birnbaum oversees the development and support of solutions across various areas of the business, including loyalty programs, sales, network management, revenue optimization, flight operations, and customer service.

Since joining United in 2015 and assuming the role of CIO in 2020, Birnbaum has been focused on integrating people and technology to deliver personalized and seamless travel experiences for both customers and employees. He views technology not only as a means to simplify tasks but also as a strategic advantage and catalyst for innovation.

One example of Birnbaum’s innovative approach is the MyFlight app, which provides flight attendants with real-time data and insights about each customer onboard. The app offers information such as the customer’s recent flight history, loyalty status, preferences, and special occasions they may be celebrating. This empowers flight attendants to provide tailored service and personalized recognition to each individual.

Another remarkable application is the Easy Chat app, designed to connect crew members responsible for in-flight activities. The app creates dedicated chat rooms for each flight, enabling real-time communication and coordination among customer service representatives, in-flight supervisors, operations staff, and others. This facilitates prompt problem-solving, efficient updates for customers, and ensures on-time departures.

Birnbaum emphasizes that these apps are part of a broader strategy to leverage data and connectivity throughout United Airlines’ ecosystem. His team collaborates closely with other departments and stakeholders to understand their needs and challenges, co-creating solutions that add value. Furthermore, Birnbaum’s group fosters a culture of experimentation and continuous learning, rapidly testing new ideas and incorporating feedback.

Proud of the impact his team has made on the airline’s performance and reputation, Birnbaum highlights United’s recognition as a digital transformation leader through industry awards and publications. He looks forward to future opportunities to utilize technology in creating even more memorable and satisfying travel experiences for both customers and employees.
