United Airlines Pilot Arrested at Edinburgh Airport, Newark Flight Canceled


A United Airlines flight from Scotland to Newark, New Jersey, was abruptly canceled on Saturday following the arrest of the flight’s pilot at Edinburgh Airport. The pilot, a 56-year-old United Airlines employee, was detained after airport security discovered a taser in his luggage.

Witnesses reported that the pilot was taken into custody by four armed police officers, as confirmed by Edinburgh Live. The arrest, based on a firearms offense due to the illegality of possessing a taser in the UK, left many passengers frustrated as their 9:25 a.m. flight was subsequently canceled.

While the exact number of affected passengers is unknown, the scheduled Boeing 757 has a seating capacity of approximately 170 passengers. United Airlines responded to the incident by stating that the pilot has been “removed from service” and assured full cooperation with local authorities in the matter, as reported to The Post.

The arrest of the unidentified pilot has been confirmed by Scotland Police, who also mentioned that a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal, Scotland’s public prosecution office. The pilot is expected to make a court appearance at the Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday Jan. 22.

This incident highlights the stringent security measures and legal requirements in place at airports, emphasizing the seriousness with which airlines and law enforcement agencies treat violations, particularly those involving prohibited items like tasers.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, bing.com, nypost.com
