United Makes Two Small In-Flight Changes


Starting Feb. 1, passengers on United Airlines will notice a couple of minor changes on board.

The carrier has made two adjustments. First, all personal electronic devices may now remain plugged in during taxi, takeoff and landing for all seats and all rows—except exit rows, where they must be unplugged.

Second, passengers must keep window shades open during taxi, take-off and landing

According to the Live And Let’s Fly blog, flight attendants will no longer make the announcement to unplug your electronic device(s) prior to pushback and again before landing. Instead, only exit row passengers will be asked to continue to do this.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Other than the exit row and the obvious problems it could cause to have devices plugged in, United doesn’t see a safety issue with other rows.

As for the window shades, this has always been a bugaboo among passengers. Some like to see the incredible intricacies of flight; others prefer it dark.

By asking that the shades be open during taxi, takeoff and landing, United is only following protocol of what other airlines do.

However, as Live And Let’s Fly noted, this directive will only be suggested and not enforced.
