United To Retrofit Regional Carriers With Zero-Emission Engines by 2028


United Airlines

United Airlines, which two weeks ago became the first commercial airline to operate a flight carrying passengers using 100 percent sustainable aviation fuel, is furthering its commitment to alternative energy.

United today became the largest airline to invest in zero-emission, hydrogen-electric engines for regional aircraft in a partnership stake with ZeroAvia, one of the world’s top hydrogen-electric aviation solutions companies.

The airline said it will buy up to 100 of the new engines to retrofit planes for its United Express regional carrier. The engines could be in place as early as 2028.

“Hydrogen-electric engines are one of the most promising paths to zero-emission air travel for smaller aircraft, and this investment will keep United out in front on this important emerging technology,” Scott Kirby, CEO of United, said in a statement. “United continues to look for opportunities to not only advance our own sustainability initiatives but also identify and help technologies and solutions that the entire industry can adopt.”

United said that one likely use for the new engines could be on its CRJ-550 plane, the only 50-seat aircraft which offers first class and other premium amenities.

According to United, hydrogen-electric engines use electricity created by a chemical reaction in a fuel cell to power an electric motor instead of burning fossil fuel. Because no fuel is burned, there are no climate-harming emissions or carbon released into the atmosphere when the engines are operated.

“This support by United, alongside our other forward-thinking partners, demonstrates the importance of hydrogen-electric propulsion in the future of sustainable flight,” said Val Miftakhov, founder and CEO and of ZeroAvia. “The United Express routes powered by hydrogen-electric aircraft will be enabling large numbers of passengers to take zero-emission flights well within this decade.”
