Unruly Airline Passenger Incidents Trending Up


Image: An exhausted and frustrated flight attendant. (photo via iStock/Getty Images E+/izusek)

New data showed that the number of reported unruly passenger incidents increased in 2022 compared to the previous year.

According to analysis from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), there was an average of one unruly passenger incident per 568 flights last year, an increase from the one-per-835 flights reported in 2021.

Data showed that unruly passenger incidents fell into three major categories, non-compliance, verbal abuse and intoxication. Non-compliance violations declined when mask mandates were lifted, but reported incidents grew 37 percent by the end of 2022.

“The increasing trend of unruly passenger incidents is worrying,” IATA Deputy Director General Conrad Clifford said. “Passengers and crew are entitled to a safe and hassle-free experience on board. For that, passengers must comply with crew instructions.”

Most of the issues were associated with passengers smoking in the cabin or lavatories, failing to put on seatbelts, exceeding the carry-on baggage allowance and consuming alcohol brought onboard.

Reports of physical abuse also jumped by 61 percent from 2021, occurring once every 17,200 flights.

“While our professional crews are well trained to manage unruly passenger scenarios, it is unacceptable that rules in place for everyone’s safety are disobeyed by a small but persistent minority of passengers,” Clifford continued. “There is no excuse for not following the instructions of the crew.”

To combat the rise in reported passenger incidents last year, the IATA has developed a two-pillar strategy and zero-tolerance approach to unruly behavior. Officials are pushing for more government regulations and advocating guidance to prevent and de-escalate further incidents, including working with industry partners on the ground and sharing best practices.
