Unveiling the Hidden Accessibility and Affordability of Staying in British Castles


A new travel website called Storied Collection is aiming to attract history enthusiasts and travelers seeking unique accommodations in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The website features a collection of historical castles, manor houses, and grand homes, including private castles, where vacationers can stay and experience a connection to the past. The idea for the website came to co-founder Michael Goldin when he struggled to find a castle to stay in after travel restrictions were lifted. He realized that existing online search results were unsatisfactory and decided to create a platform specifically catering to travelers interested in historical accommodations.

Storied Collection allows travelers to search for accommodations based on surnames, enabling them to find places with connections to specific owners or famous former guests. The listings provide details about the historical significance of the properties, including information about previous owners, notable guests, and even television shows and movies that were filmed on the premises. The website aims to provide a unique experience for travelers who appreciate history and want to immerse themselves in the heritage and stories associated with these properties.

The demand for British and Irish historical sites has increased in recent years, partly influenced by popular television shows like “Downton Abbey” and “Bridgerton.” Americans, in particular, have shown a strong interest in visiting these heritage attractions. Storied Collection’s curated selection of accommodations caters to this growing interest and allows travelers to explore history and heritage in a unique way.

The website features various properties, including Fenton Tower in Scotland, Markree Castle in Ireland, the Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa in Bath, Thornbury Castle near Bath, and The Rubens at the Palace in London. Storied Collection also offers curated itineraries, such as the “1,000 Years of History Tour,” which takes travelers on a road trip to experience properties with a combined age of 1,000 years.

Storied Collection plans to expand its collection by adding more grand properties. The website aims to provide travelers with the opportunity to stay in these historical locations, immersing themselves in the rich heritage and stories associated with each property.
