US DOT revokes authority of California Pacific Airlines


The US Department of Transportation has formally revoked the certificate of authority of ADI Aerodynamics, Inc. d/b/a California Pacific Airlines (DYN, Carlsbad, CA) due to dormancy, despite the carrier’s pleas for more time to restart operations. “Despite repeated grants of extension from the dormancy provisions of section 204.7 and reminders to file current information that supports the air carrier’s continued fitness and ability to resume operations, the record is still substantially incomplete. No information was provided updating ADI’s ownership, key management and technical personnel, financial position, and compliance disposition,” the DOT said. The carrier also has no valid Air Operator’s Certificate and, in the opinion of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), would need at least four to six months to restart at this time. The DOT determined that in such circumstances, it would not have been prudent to grant ADI/CPA another 180-day extension of its dormancy period, for which the carrier applied on August 26, 2020. The airline’s certificate of authority was revoked on October 13, 2020. “It is not the Department’s policy to routinely allow waivers from the dormancy provisions except where “good cause” has been shown. In showing good cause, the Department generally expects a company to demonstrate that it continues to meet the Department’s fitness test and it is well advanced in its preparations to resume operations, including taking steps to obtain FAA operating authority. ADI has not met either of these criteria,” the DOT underlined. ADI/CPA suspended all operations in January 2019. Its certificate of authority was subsequently suspended due to dormancy for one year. In November 2019, the carrier successfully pleaded for a 90-day extension through mid-April 2020. After that, it asked the DOT for another 180-day extension due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, the DOT granted that request and extended the period of dormancy through October 13, 2020.
