US Travel Backs Biden’s Plan for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit


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The U.S. Travel Association is applauding Tuesday’s remarks by President Joe Biden, who renewed his push to offer tax credits to the aviation industry to use sustainable aviation fuel alternatives.

“In recent weeks, global fuel shortages have underscored the growing need for sustainable aviation fuels. To protect the environment and meet the needs of the public, elected officials must reimagine how we travel and prioritize measures to make sustainable aviation fuels a reality,” U.S. Travel Association Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy Tori Emerson Barnes said in a statement. “U.S. Travel applauds President Biden for identifying the critical need to advance policies and long-term solutions that make travel more sustainable, and for recognizing the opportunity to not just recover from the pandemic, but to rebuild to be stronger than we were before. We do not have to choose between traveling and saving the planet—both are possible if policymakers continue to work with the travel industry to accelerate sustainability.”

Congress has been reluctant to include the tax credits as it is part of a larger spending bill, hence Biden’s updated remarks from a push he has been making since elected. The White House is looking to lower aviation emissions by 20 percent by the year 2030.

“We brought together the government agencies, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, fuel producers, airports,” Biden said at an event in Iowa, according to Reuters News Service, adding that tax credits would mean “advanced, cleaner and more sustainable fuels for American aviation.”

Reuters also noted that National Air Carrier Association President and Chief Executive Officer George Novak praised Biden “for recognizing the critical role that sustainable aviation fuel will play in further reducing the airline industry’s carbon footprint.”

United and other airlines have made commitments to sustainable fuels.
