US watchdog to audit FAA oversight of Boeing 737, 787 production


Boeing 787 aircraft

The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has set a date to review the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) oversight of Boeing 737 and 787 production across the US.

News of the audit follows multiple complaints regarding Boeing 747 and 787 production issues and allegations of unjustified pressure on employees at plane assembly lines.

The audit is scheduled to take place in July 2022, and will be performed at several Boeing aircraft plants, including Charleston, Renton, South Carolina, and Washington, the DOT’s Inspector General confirmed in a statement released on June 29, 2022.

Citing several complaints submitted to US Congress, the FAA, and the DOT itself, the watchdog said it would be evaluating the FAA’s processes for “identifying and resolving production issues” as well as to address “allegations of undue pressure within the production environment”.
