Venice Gondola Capsizes: Selfie-Taking Tourists Ignoring Gondolier’s Warnings


Venice, Italy, witnessed a gondola mishap when a group of Chinese tourists ignored their gondolier’s instructions to sit down and stop taking selfies, leading to their boat capsizing in the Rio de la Verona canal. The incident, shared widely on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, occurred as the gondolier attempted to navigate under a bridge, requiring balanced weight on the boat.

  • Tourists’ Disregard: The gondolier repeatedly asked the tourists to sit still to maintain balance, but they continued taking selfies, disregarding his warnings.
  • Capsizing: As a result, the gondola capsized, sending both the tourists and the gondolier into the canal. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.
  • Rescue Operation: The gondolier played a crucial role in rescuing the tourists from the water. They were later able to recover and warm up at La Fenice Opera House.
  • Minor Losses: Although no one was injured, one cell phone was lost in the incident. The gondola itself remained undamaged, but its blankets and chairs ended up in the canal.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of following the instructions of gondoliers, who are experienced in navigating Venice’s intricate waterways. It also comes at the end of a year marked by challenges for Venice, including an overwhelming number of tourists, concerns about its UNESCO status, and the introduction of a daytripper fee in 2024.
