Victoria Foy appointed as president of Safran Seats


Effective the 1st of January, 2023, Victoria Foy will serve as the new president of Safran Seats, succeeding Vincent Mascré, who is retiring. Foy now joins Safran’s executive committee, and between now and the end of the year, she will participate with Vincent Mascré in the key business decisions of Safran Seats.

“I would like to warmly thank Vincent Mascré for having placed his skills at Safran’s service for more than 40 years. In particular, he led the management and transformation of Safran Nacelles, Safran Landing Systems and Safran Seats, and played a key role in the integration of Zodiac Aerospace during its acquisition in February 2018, as chairman of the executive board. I wish Victoria Foy every success in her new responsibilities,” stated Olivier Andriès, CEO of Safran.

Victoria Foy has held a number of board-level positions working in worldwide operations. She joined Safran Nacelles in 2012 as UK finance director before taking the role of UK managing director in June 2016. In 2019, she joined Safran Seats and was appointed EVP for Safran Seats GB, on 1st January, 2020.

Victoria Foy aged 52, is a qualified chartered management accountant with an MBA (Manchester Business School 2006).
