Video: “The Right Stuff”


People who face life and death challenges successfully need an ability to remain cool, calm, and collected enough when in trouble, in order to think their way out of it, and get out of it, if it is possible to do so.

When I was a fighter pilot, after a crash was reported, there were always discussions about what the pilot did right and did wrong. If he got out of it, the discussion was about what he did right. We filed that information away to be used if we were caught in the same situations. If the pilot didn’t survive, we tried to figure out what he might have done differently. Did he do something to get him into a bad situation? Did he make the wrong move to correct what went wrong? Did he wait too long to bail out? We filed that away, too.

And for non-flying issues, get a copy of my book. If the pandemic is causing undue anxiety, check out this book, and you can read some of it free at this link. Full article link:

By Capt Tom Bunn MSW LCSW
