Villas of Distinction to Pay Travel Advisors Upon Deposit, Commissions Up to $5,000


Image: Villas of Distinction. (Photo Credit: Villas of Distinction Media)

Villas of Distinction announced that its new travel advisor bonus commission will be paid upon deposit versus departure and the earnings have increased to up to $5,000.

Travel advisors who book their clients with Villas of Distinction through May 31 for travel between now and December 31, 2024, can earn up to $5,000 in bonus commission paid upon deposit.

With the new offer, Villas of Distinction becomes the only villa rental company to pay its advisors’ bonus commissions on deposit. In addition, the brand supports advisors by providing enhanced promotions for clients, as well as hosting special events, including virtual tours of stunning homes in their portfolio.

“Our travel advisor partners are true heroes not only to their clients but to Villas of Distinction,” vice president Steve Lassman said. “That is why we’ve enhanced our bonus commission offer.”

“Not only are we providing travel advisors with the ability to earn more, but they will receive bonus commissions sooner than ever,” Lassman continued. “This bonus commission is just one way to thank our loyal travel advisor partners.”

The luxury villa provider also hosts Zoom get-togethers with travel agencies and their clients to help them acquire new villa guests. It also continues to increase advisor engagement by providing more educational knowledge about villas, which allows them successfully sell the product.
