Virgin Voyages Triumphs with ASTA’s 2023 Green Partner in Travel Award


Virgin Voyages has been honored with the prestigious 2023 ‘Green Partner in Travel Award’ by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), announced at the 2023 Premium Business Summit in Indian Wells, California. This recognition places Virgin Voyages at the forefront of sustainable practices in the travel industry, highlighting its commitment to environmentally friendly initiatives.

Virgin Voyages’ Sustainable Achievements

  • Sustainable Marine Fuels: Virgin Voyages has made significant strides in sustainability, including conducting its first test using sustainable marine fuels.
  • Female Crew Representation: The cruise line boasts one of the highest representations of female crew members in the industry.
  • Community Volunteering: Over 1,500 volunteer hours were contributed to communities in 2023, demonstrating the company’s commitment to social responsibility.

Competition and Recognition

  • Event Attendee Selection: Virgin Voyages was chosen for this accolade by attendees of the summit, comprising thought leaders from the travel industry.
  • Runner-Ups: The Travel Corporation and Royal Caribbean also received recognition, securing second and third place respectively.
  • Inaugural Award Winner: Delta Air Lines was the inaugural winner of this award in October of the previous year.

ASTA’s Endorsement

  • ASTA President’s Congratulatory Message: ASTA President and CEO Zane Kerby commended Virgin Voyages, The Travel Corporation, and Royal Caribbean for their efforts in making travel enjoyable and sustainable.

Criteria for the Green Partner in Travel Award

  • Comprehensive Sustainability Criteria: Nominees for the award are evaluated based on a range of criteria, including their path to Net Zero, carbon reduction efforts, community impact, sustainable resource use, reduction of overconsumption and waste, integration of sustainable tourism in corporate planning, and various environmental, social, and governance metrics.

Virgin Voyages’ recognition by ASTA underscores the cruise line’s dedication to pioneering sustainable and responsible travel practices. As the recipient of the Green Partner in Travel Award, Virgin Voyages sets a benchmark for environmental stewardship in the travel sector, promising a greener future for global tourism. This accolade not only celebrates Virgin Voyages’ current achievements but also encourages continued progress in sustainable initiatives within the industry.
