Vistara introduces e-tech logbook solution


Vistara A321neo in flight

Indian carrier Vistara has introduced an e-tech logbook solution, going paperless in its operations.

ULTRAMAIN ELB will fully replace the airline’s aircraft paper technical log, cabin log, journey log, damage log, and fuelling log, providing a validated electronic certificate of release to service (e-CRS) on flights operated by Vistara.

Vistara says the application, which is currently in the airborne proving stage, will be used by flight crew, cabin crew and engineers on iOS devices to provide integrated workflows with Vistara’s maintenance and operational systems.

“As Vistara marches on its digital transformational journey, the focus on digital data capture, integration and automation will continue. ULTRAMAIN ELB will help digitise our aircraft paper logs and improve operational effectiveness.” said Vinod Bhat, Chief Information Officer, Vistara.

Sisira Kanta Dash, Senior Vice President – Engineering & Maintenance of Vistara commented: “Vistara remains committed towards constantly improving operational efficiency across processes through automation and we’ve been investing in right technologies to achieve this goal. We are delighted to partner with Ultramain Systems, which will provide the first Electronic Logbook to seek operational approval to operate a fully electronic Technical and Cabin Logbook in India.

“ULTRAMAIN ELB will be integrated with various live processes like AMOS, ACARS, and ARMS for seamless operations. This application, with its completeness and ease of use, is one step towards building enterprise application integration while also focussing on sustainable operations.”
