Wellness and Relaxation Top Priorities for 2024 Travelers, Hilton Report Reveals


Travelers in 2024 are set to prioritize wellness and relaxation more than ever, as highlighted in Hilton Hotels’ third annual trends report. The comprehensive study brings to light some key insights into the evolving preferences of global travelers.

A significant find from the report is the willingness of travelers to tighten their belts for the sake of a vacation. Nearly two-thirds of respondents admitted they would cut back on personal expenditures to fund their travels, emphasizing the importance of breaks and getaways in their lives.

Culinary and cultural experiences also emerged as strong contenders for travelers’ attention. As the lines between leisure and business travel blur, globetrotters are increasingly seeking authentic experiences that allow them to immerse in local flavors and traditions.

In a digital age, the booking process has become a crucial part of the travel journey. A whopping 80% of those surveyed emphasized the importance of a seamless online reservation experience. Travelers expect a personalized and connected booking journey, highlighting the need for hotels and travel platforms to enhance their online interfaces.

Hilton’s annual report continues to serve as a valuable resource for industry stakeholders, shedding light on the evolving needs and expectations of the modern traveler.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, travelpulse.com, hoteldive.com
