What It Was Like Staying at a Cancun Resort During Hurricane Delta


This time of year, many vacationers are traveling to Mexico and the Caribbean to soak up just a little bit more summer. With fewer crowds and often better vacation deals, it’s an ideal time for people who don’t have children in school to travel. Except many travelers have to deal with the very real threat of hurricanes.

Hurricane Delta made landfall in Cancun, Mexico early yesterday morning – October 6, 2020 – as a Category 2 hurricane. The day before hotels began to prepare their guests for the worst as many weather forecasters were predicting the storm to increase in velocity, some saying it could be as terrible as a Category 4. TravelPulse was able to interview travel advisor, Karen Rutter, about her experience through the storm at Royalton Riviera Cancun Resort and Spa.

TravelPulse: How did the hotel help you decide to stay in Cancun to ride out the storm?

Karen Rutter: The hotel – Royalton Riviera Cancun Resort and Spa – is capable of withstanding a Category 4 hurricane and the interior Convention Center is where guests were relocated to beginning at 11 pm the day before the hurricane hit. Guests were required to wear masks to enter. We were able to view the location and set up before making our decision on whether we should stay or go. We felt confident in our ability to weather the storm here.

TP: Once you decided to stay, how did the hotel convey their hurricane protocols to guests?

KR: Guests were personally told by staff. We were told to come to the center at 11 pm bringing a pillow, blanket, and personal critical items only – like valuables and medicines. No luggage. They had everything set up for us with water, food, an additional sheet and blanket on the chaise lounges which served as our bed for the night.

TP: Did you feel safe throughout the duration of the storm?

KR: I felt very safe. In fact, I slept through most of it. I woke up for about the last 15 or 20 minutes when you could hear the roaring of the wind and sounds of breakage. Even then, I felt safe.

TP: How did the hotel handle COVID-19 protocols during this transition?

KR: The hotel did the best they could under difficult situations. There couldn’t be 6 feet between guests due to space. So, they placed the lounge chairs by two and then left a few feet of space. Then, two more lounge chairs and a few feet of space. Guests were required to wear masks and guests complied without complaint. Restrooms were regularly cleaned and sanitized throughout the night. Soap and sanitizer were always available.

TP: After the storm passed, were you allowed to go about the property as normal?

KR: After the storm passed, we were invited to go the back way through the kitchen to the restaurant for an incredible buffet breakfast served by the hotel staff. It was a very bright spot after a dark and foreboding night. Fresh fruit, omelets, cereals, pastries, juices, coffee, pancakes, waffles and more. These workers who had not slept greeted us with smiles and good mornings and kept saying it was their pleasure to serve us. The staff were incredible. After breakfast, we were released to our rooms after they had been checked. I was back in my room by 9 am. Electricity, water, WiFi, all working fine. They asked us not to venture too far outside because the damage was still being assessed. They got the bars back up and running quickly, entertainment was back and people were happy to be out and about. Pools could not be open due to potential glass and debris. They hope these will be opened today.

TP: As a travel agent, how will you help guests who are going through this kind of situation in the future?

KR: As a travel agent, this was actually a great learning experience. I have the knowledge to guide the guests from preparation for the hurricane, to how to calmly weather the storm, and how to protect themselves on any trip. For instance, always buy trip insurance. Always register trips out of the country with the state department. Always take a waterproof bag for valuables like passport, money, etc. And, of course, use a travel agent. We have phone numbers for direct access to hotel staff, company executives, etc. who can give immediate and accurate follow-up. Most companies have “feet on the ground” who can give immediate help.

TP: Is the hotel doing anything to compensate guests?

KR: I haven’t investigated about compensation because I do not think they owe us anything. The hotel did an outstanding job keeping us safe, fed, and comfortable even at the sacrifice of being away from their own families. This was an act of nature.

TP: Would you recommend this hotel in the future for clients?

KR: I am staying at the Royalton Riviera Cancun Resort and Spa and I would absolutely recommend them in the future. The staff has been nothing short of remarkable, and I’ve had a great experience.

I am here with a group from Vacation Express (VE). VE has kept us informed every step of the way. Other travel agents traveling with VE were able to get immediate and first-hand information from our BDM, Marta Merriman, who was in constant contact with executives of the company to guide their clients through this major storm. The land providers, Nexus, gathered provisions for clients and delivered survival “lunch boxes” filled with food and water and kept us abreast of hotel closings, airport happenings, etc. We enjoyed dinner last night, evening entertainment and there was merriment throughout the hotel. I, personally, am super excited about my massage today.
