Wild Elephant Wanders Into Sri Lankan Hotel


One of this Sri Lankan hotel’s regulars is not who most people would be expecting as they make their way through the lobby.

The Jetwing Yala Hotel located on the southeast coast of Sri Lanka has opted not to fence in their complex, making wild animals on the hotel’s property a regular sight for guests at the hotel.

But one wild elephant has gotten comfortable enough to actually venture inside the lobby of the hotel on multiple occasions.

Natta Kota, whose name means Short Tail, is said to be somewhat of a regular to the hotel – although not always making his way inside. Natta Kota lives in the surrounding dune scrubland of the hotel’s property.

Hotel representatives said in a statement, “Please note that though he is a regular visitor to our hotels, Natta Kota is still very much a wild elephant and we at Jetwing would have him remain as such. While it is exciting and memorable to encounter wild animals in and around our hotels, we humbly request that guests respect their space and maintain a healthy distance at all times. Please avoid feeding the animals and refrain from using flash photography.”
