Your Guide To the Magic, Color and Tradition of Peru


Peru Family Journey: Machu Picchu to the Amazon

Peru is characterized by its friendly people and is full of traditions. The country is loaded with fabulous treasures ready to be discovered, from beautiful colonial buildings to ancient pre-Hispanic palaces, such as the iconic Machu Picchu.

During this tour, you will visit the city of Lima. The first stop is the Plaza de San Cristobal, where it is possible to enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the orb. Next, visit the San Pedro Market to taste the typical gastronomy of the region. Did you know that this market supplies a large part of Lima?

The Koricancha temple is another unmissable attraction. When observing its construction, visitors perceives its magnificence. In ancient times it was known as the Golden Enclosure, and its walls were once completely covered with gold.

There is also the Church of Santo Domingo, the artisans’ quarter, and the Archbishop’s Palace—formerly Inca Roca—and it is possible to admire the famous world Stone of the Twelve Angles and the famous Cathedral that houses colonial works of incredible value and beauty.

On the way to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, you will visit Sulca, a complex where the different handicrafts of essential regions of Peru are exhibited. Here you can discover the different pre-Inca cultures through their pottery and textiles.

The INKARIY Museum is worthwhile to appreciate the physical characteristics of each country’s society, such as their clothing and the arts that are part of the heritage of the Sacred Valley.

Another great museum to visit is “Cultura Viva de Yucay,” whose mission is to preserve and value the different cultural and agricultural activities of the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Explore Lima
In addition, you will explore the little-visited treasures of the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The tour begins in Moray, where visitors are impressed by the colossal concentric terraces that simulate a large arena. Continuing to Maras, appreciate the famous millenary salt mines of the colonial era. The contrast of its white wells with the green valley is impressive, a spectacular postcard of the Sacred Valley.

Later, board a transport to reach the top of the mountain. During the trip, you will enjoy a spectacular view of the Urubamba River that forms the famous canyon.

When you reach the top, you will discover the Lost City of the Incas, Machu Picchu. You will appreciate its incredible terraces, stairways, ceremonial enclosures, and urban areas. Energy emanates from all over the place. Did you know that the Spanish conquistadors did not find Machu Picchu?

After admiring the beautiful constructions of Machu Picchu, you will revisit the city of Lima. You will have the opportunity to visit the Parque del Amor in Miraflores, with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. You will appreciate the Huaca Huallamarca, an ancient pre-Inca shrine, to continue to the Plaza de Armas, where you will find the Government Palace and the Municipal Palace.

There is a millenary Peru of fascinating civilizations and legendary historical episodes of Mochicas, Incas, Choles, viceroys, and liberators who left a vast historical-archaeological heritage in the country. Undoubtedly, it reaches its peak in Machu Picchu, one of those places on the planet that must be seen at least once in a lifetime.

Cultures, civilizations, and histories developed over centuries on a natural scenery as diverse as it is impressive. Jungles of untamed nature in the Amazon, snow-capped mountains over seven thousand meters high, and deep canyons in the Andes, the hypnotic Lake Titicaca, the foundational site of Inca mythology.

But there is also a modern and cosmopolitan Peru at the forefront of American design hotels, contemporary art, and the latest in gastronomy. Peru has always offered many and varied reasons to satisfy the hunger of an astute traveler.

Climate: When To Go
Peru is a vast and eco-diverse country with three distinguished significant regions.

The Peruvian Amazon constitutes almost 60 percent of the national territory. It has a humid and tropical climate with high rainfall. The months of November to March are of abundant rains. Between April and October, there is little rainfall, an ideal time to travel because the rivers diminish their flow and the roads are easily passable. Humidity is very high throughout the year.

Dominated by the Andes mountain range, this region has two seasons, including summer (April to October) with sunny days, cold nights, and little rain, which is the ideal time to visit. The other season is winter (November to March), with abundant rainfall. During the day, the sun can heat up to 75 degrees, and at night the temperature can drop to 26 degrees.

Peru’s Pacific coastline stretches about 3,000 kilometers or 1,864 miles and includes beaches, fertile valleys and desert areas. It rarely rains but has high humidity. The northern zone enjoys year-round sunshine and has a brief rainy period between November and December. The southern and central coasts have two distinct seasons, including winter (April to October) and summer (November to March).
