Your plans for returning clients


Last week, we polled on what you were doing to prepare for the return of customers. So many selected “other,” so we thought we’d find out what that signified to you. Here are some of the responses we received:

  • Travel advisor Julie Snyder began an email program. “I send emails monthly, since I nor my customers do social media.”
  • Florida-based advisor Ange Wallace notes that she has been “formalizing and making consistent research and development and booking management fees, educating clients as to just what their advisors are doing for them on each booking and educating clients as to the importance of and ways in which they can travel sustainable.”
  • Debbi Calabrese in New York says her company is planning an open house for its new location. “Guests will receive time slots so there’s no crowding. We needed to change offices due to construction during the height of the pandemic so it’s a good opportunity to invite clients to visit us at our new location. We’ll be giving ‘tours’ of our new space with international food options (because there should always be food!) and wine.”