ZeroAvia’s Collaboration with Spanish Seaplane Startup Surcar for Hydrogen-Electric Retrofit


In a recent development, on August 2, 2023, ZeroAvia made an exciting announcement regarding its partnership with Surcar, a promising Spanish seaplane startup. The collaboration involves the retrofitting of De Havilland Canada DHC-6 amphibious Twin Otter aircraft with ZeroAvia’s cutting-edge ZA600 hydrogen-electric powertrain.

Surcar, a budding airline, has ambitious plans to initiate seaplane flights within the picturesque Canary Islands of Spain, a volcanic archipelago situated off the North African coast. Although Surcar is yet to commence operations, the company demonstrated its capabilities in 2022 through a series of successful test flights. These tests were conducted utilizing a Twin Otter aircraft generously provided by Nordic Seaplanes, a prominent Danish seaplane operator and a crucial partner in the Surcar project.

While Surcar is initially planning to launch its services using conventionally powered aircraft, their strategic roadmap includes a transition to ZeroAvia’s innovative hydrogen-electric propulsion system. This advanced system relies on a hydrogen-fed fuel cell to power electric motors, showcasing the airline’s commitment to sustainable aviation solutions.

Interestingly, this collaboration between ZeroAvia and Surcar isn’t the sole project involving aircraft manufactured by De Havilland Canada. Both companies are also deeply involved in a collaborative effort focused on retrofitting and certifying the larger Dash-8 Q400 turboprop aircraft, further solidifying their commitment to revolutionizing aviation through innovative technology.
